Олон улсын бартендерийн холбооноос санал болгодог Mixyfruit нь жимсний шүүс болон жимсний зөөлөн эдээс бүрддэг. Жилийн аль ч улиралд цэвэр жимсний оронд хэрэглэн коктейль, моктейль, смүти, мөстэй цай зэрэг унданд гайхалтай амт нэмнэ.
Mixy Fruits have a very high juice and fruit pulp content. Perfect for cocktails, highballs, milkshakes, smoothies, sorbets and granitas. Mixybar syrups are an excellent alternative to fresh fruit and can also be used to spice up an iced tea, to add flavour to a freshly-squeezed orange juice and to any other recipe made with fresh fruit at any time of year. Mixy Fruit is an innovative product and its special “speed bottle” can be reused after the product has finished.